Sunday 22 October 2017
White: D. Ruane (161) - Black: K. Nevols (157)
A nice trip to the south coast. All through last season, I had not lost a single game playing for Swale. Now saddled with a high grade, I thought that things might change and how right I was - with a crushing defeat in an awful performance.
1. Nf3 f5
The Dutch defence.
2. b3
An unusual set-up so I develop normally.
2. ... Nf6
3. c4 d6
4. d4 e6
The computer recommends 4. ... Ne4!? Curious to move the knight twice in four moves but the idea is to obstruct a White Nc3 and to reply to 5. Nbd2 with 5. . e6 and perhaps d5, or to 5. e3 with 5. .. c5 and 6. dxc5 Qa5+ or 6. Bd3 Nc6. An interesting thought in an opening I am still learning.
5. Nc3 Be7
6. Qc2
White has delayed the deployment of his kings bishop in order to get the move e4 in, but the presence of the queen on c2 allows me to develop the other knight towards the centre.
6. ... Nc6
7. e4 fxe4?!
Maybe 7. .. Nb4 would be better but it was the following break I had in mind.
8. Nxe4 e5
The plan is to break open the centre while his king is still there. The irony is that, as we will see, it is my king which gets trapped instead.
If 8. .. O-O I was concerned about some white central play but 9. Bd3 result in 9. .. Nb4 exchanging the bishop, and 9. Neg5 h6 seems OK.
9. Bb2
White considers castling queenside.
9. .. exd4
10. Nxd4 Nb4
Castles is better for Black. Now White picks up the initiative.
11. Nxf6 Bxf6
12. Qd2 a5
13. a3 Qe7+
14. Be2 Na6
White cannot play 15. Qxa5 because of 15. .. c5 winning a piece.
15. O-O
Last chance to castle. But White would still be better - he can bring his rooks into the middle while Black is sorting himself out.
15. .... Nc5??
Completely overlooking White's next move.
16. Bh5+ Kd8
If 16. .. Kf8 17. Re1 and Re8+.
17. Rfe1
With the king stuck in the middle, I knew the game was up.
17. ... Qd7
The computer suggests 17. Qf8 18. Re8+ Qxe8 19. Bxd8 Rxe8 keeping material losses to a minimum.
18. b4!
White has his eye on a possible Ne6+. The game is now won for White.
18. ... axb4
19. axb4 Rxa1
20. Bxa1 Bxd4
And while he was thinking, saw the winning move - and a few minutes later he played it.
21. Qg5+
Black must resign. The only move is 21. .. Bf6 and then 22. Bxf6+ will force ruinous material loss.
A terrible game to start the county league season with.
Hastings v Swale
Brendan Ruane (161) 1-0 Keith Nevols (157)
Gary Wilson (129) 0-1 Tyrone Jefferies (116)
John Kimber (119) 0-1 Vytautas Gedminas (110)
Gregory Chandler (76) 0-1 Andrew Gillard (107)
Umberto Joe Jozwiak (78) 1-0 Barry Sawyer (83)
James Wheeler (159) 1-0 default
Hastings 3-3 Swale
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