Thursday 19 October 2017
White: A. Luberskis (-) - Black: K. Nevols (157)
My third game of the season was against a new member - an unknown factor.
1. e4 d5
2. e5
White meets my Scandinavian with the 'advance' option.
2. .... c5
3. Be2 Bf5
4. Nf3 Nc6
White chooses a quiet set up and allows Black to develop calmly.
5. h3 e6
6. Bb5
The second move of the bishop wastes time. Better is castling.
6. .... Qc7
7. c3 Be7
The computer prefers 7. .. O-O-O attacking the pawn on e5 and then gives 8. Bxc6 Qxc6 9. d4 Qa6 or 8. d4 cxd4 9. cxd4 Nb4 10. Na3 Nc2+?! 11. Nxc2 Qa5+ 12. Bd2 Qxb5 13. Ne3 - which looks good for White as he has the open c-file and Black's kingside is not yet developed.
The pawn on e5 is restricting development and I intended to resolve that problem first.
8. O-O a6
9. Ba4?
9. Bxc6+ was forced. Now Black wins a pawn.
9. ... b5
10. Bc2 Bxc2
11. Qxc2 Nxe5
12. Nxe5 Qxe5
Now Black is much better. He is a pawn up and can sort out his development.
13. d4 Qc7
14. Be3
14. a4 would be a good way to bring the rook into the game and gain some initiative. 14. .. Rb8 15. axb5 axb5 16. Be3.
14. .... Nf6
15. Nd2 O-O
Now I have the king in safety it is time to think of a plan. Advancing on the queenside and making play against White's centre seems to be a good plan.
16. Rae1 Nh5
17. Qd1 Nf4
18. Nf3 c4
The d3 square looks very attractive to my knight so White decides to sacrifice the exchange. 19. Bxf4 Qxf4 20. Ne5 is better.
19. Re2? Nxe2+
20. Qxe2 b4
Intending to open lines for the rooks.
21. Ne5 bxc3
22. bxc3 Rab8
23. Qg4! Bf6
If now 24. Bh6 I had planned to play 24. .. Bxe5 25. dxe5 Qxe5. White manages to arrange a strong kingside attack.
24. Rd1 Bxe5
25. dxe5 Qe7
Of course 25. .. Qxe5?? walks into 26. Bd4 which I thought was game over. However Black has 26. .. h5! which would save the game albeit with loss of material after 27. Bxe5 hxg4 28. Bxb8 Rxb8 29. hxg4 and Black would be a pawn up.
26. Bg5 is the best move here. 26. .. Qc7 27. Bf6 g6 28. Qg5 wins, so Black has to play 26. .. f6 27. exf6 Qf7 which looks ugly but just about holds but not without a few beads of sweat. White though misses this chance.
26. Qe2? Rb5
27. a4 Rb3
28. f4 Rxc3
29. Rb1 Qd7
30. Bd4 Rd3
31. Qb2 Qxa4
White has given up two pawns to open some lines on the queenside but I can exchange a pair of rooks.
32. Ra1 Rd1+
33. Rxd1 Qxd1+
34. Kh2 Qb3
35. Qa1 Ra8
The bishop is good for White, there are spaces to exploit, and the back rank is still weak so it is not over yet. I decide to defend the goal line before I can get those pawns going.
36. Qa5 Qb5
37. Qc7 Qe8
38. f5 Rc8
39. Qa5 Qc6
40. Qa3 Rb8
41. f6 Rb3
42. Qa5 Qc8
43. fxg7 c3
With the posts covered, it was time to get moving.
44. Qa2 c2
45. Qxb3 c1(=Q)
46. Qg3 Qh6
And now the win is straight forward. White decides to play on to mate.
47. Be3 Qxg7
48. Qf4 Qc2
49. Qf1 Qe4
50. Bf4 d4
51. Bg3 d3
52. Qb1 Qe2
53. Qb8+ Qf8
54. Qxf8+ Kxf8
55. h4 d2
56. h5 d1(=Q)
57. Bh4 Qdd2
58. h6 Qxg2 mate
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