Thursday 28 September 2017
White: A. Fletcher (88) - Black: K. Nevols (157)
1. b3
The Larsen Opening, named after the legendary Danish player, Bent Larsen (1935-2010). The plan is to follow with Bb2 and put early pressure on the Black kingside.
1. .... e5
I just decide to occupy the centre. 1. . d5 is also often seen.
2. Bb2 d6
2. .. Nc6 is more accurate - keeping the option open of d5. The problem now is that my Black bishop is limited in its' development - as it would be difficult to play g6 and Bg7.
3. e3 Nc6
4. Bb5 Bd7
5. Ne2 Qg5?!
As soon as I played this move, I regretted it. The plan was to punish White's quiet development by just being annoying and hitting g2. Also I was considering a quick castling queenside, and to give the option of any plans based around h5. But it achieves absolutely nothing and also hinders the move Nf6 in case the queen gets trapped.
6. Ng3 a6
If 6. .. h5 then 7. h4 Qg6 8. Bd3 - although 8. .. f5 could be fine. Nevertheless I would be lumbered with a pawn on h5 which could be tricky to defend, so let's get on with development.
7. Bd3 Nh6
Playing the knight to f6 would have blocked the line of retreat for my queen.
8. Qh5?!
This surprised me. White advances his own queen before completing development. Black could play 8. .. Qxh5 9. Nxh5 Nb4 but I decided I wanted to keep the queen on and see if I could learn from my own mistake by attacking an exposed queen.
8. .... Qe7
The threat is now Bg4. Therefore I expected 9. h3 to which I was considering 9. .. g6.
9. Nc3??
... but White overlooks my next.
9. ... Bg4
The White queen is trapped. I reflected on the irony that it had been my own mistake with the queen that had led White to reciprocate and get into trouble himself.
White can save his queen by losing a piece with 10. Nf5 Bxh5 11. Nxe7 Bxe7.
10. Nd5?
.. but this way to save the queen loses two pieces.
10. .. Qd8
11. Nxc7+ Qxc7
12. Qg5 f6
The White queen has found a square but is still trapped. Now 13. Qh4 is met with g5 and so he has to jettison a second piece.
13. Bg6+ hxg6
14. Qxg6+ Qf7
15. Qd3
The White queen is saved but White is two pieces for two pawns down. Now I can just develop and hopefully get the win without any accidents.
15. .. d5
16. f3 Be6
17. O-O-O Nb4
Picking up another pawn.
18. Qe2 Nxa2+
19. Kb1 Nb4
20. f4? Bg4
And now the exchange.
21. Qf2 Bxd1
22. Rxd1 Qc7
23. Bc3 Nc6
I recalled my earlier game where I was well ahead but managed to nearly lose. White's sole plus point is the chance of opening central lines against the king so I was keen to get the guy safe as soon as possible.
24. Kb2 Bd6
25. Nh5 O-O-O
Phew. White now completely collapses and there is no more to be said.
26. Nxg7? Qxg7
27. Qf3 d4
28. Qh3+? Ng4
29. Qg3 dxc3+
30. dxc3 Ba3+
31. Kxa3 Rxd1
32. fxe5 Qe7+
33. Kb2 Ngxe5
34. Qf4 Rhd8
35. Qf5+ Kb8
36. g4 Ra1
I quite liked that move. Of course if 37. Kxa1 Qa3+ 38. Kb1 Rd1 mate.
37. b4 Rdd1
38. Qxe5+ Nxe5
39. Resigns
Mate next move is unstoppable.
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