Thursday 30 November 2017
White: K. Nevols (157) - Black: B. Sawyer (83)
1. e4 g6
Not sure what to make of this so just develop as normal and we get into a King's Indian type position.
2. d4 Bg7
3. c4 e6
4. Nc3 d6
5. Nf3 Nd7
I take the chance to cause a weakness with a tempo.
6. Bg5
The point is that Black cannot now play either knight to f6 because 7. e5 wins material. So I was expecting 6. .. Ne7 after which I was considering 7. Qd2 h6 8. Be3 and Black cannot castle kingside.
6. .... f6?!
This move blocks in the kings' knight and those four pawns lined up side-by-side just do not look right.
7. Be3 Qe7
8. Qd2
A nice little move which stops Nh6 and holds up Black's kingside development by being unable to move the knight. Black could now consider 8. .. f5, to make some space, or 8. .. a6, to prevent the forthcoming knight move.
8. .. Qf8?
But this is a mistake. The c7 square is left unguarded and gives me the chance to dislodge the king and get some initiative.
9. Nb5 Kd8
10. c5
The plan is to open up the centre and see if I can get some play against the king. White is not yet fully developed but Black is behind. The computer favours development with 10. Bd3 and castling.
10. .... a6
11. Nc3 Bh6
An unexpected defence is the computer's suggestion of 11.... b5!? 12. cxb6 Nxb6 with Bb7 and Ne7 to come. Probably White should keep developing with 13. Bd3 and then castling.
12. cxd6
Staying with my plan to open up the centre. Black overlooks a check and ought to pay 12. .. cxd6 where I would choose between 13. Bd3 or 13. Rc1.
12. ... Bxe3?
13. dxc7+ Kxc7
14. Qxe3
So I am a pawn up. Still behind in development, Black decides to run with the king.
14. ... Kd8
15. Be2
15. Bc4 might have been more aggressive with 15. .. Nb6 16. Bb3 but I opted for the quieter move as I wanted to castle and develop the rooks while the Black king is in the centre.
15. ..... Ne7
16. O-O Ke8
17. d5!
I thought this was well-timed myself. I intend to open some files before bringing the rooks in.
17. ... e5
And Black opts to keep the files closed. Here I considered bringing the rooks to the c- and d-files but was aware that Black may be aiming for counterplay based around f5 or blockading the d-pawn.
18. d6 Nc6
19. Rfd1 Kf7
20. Nd5 Rb8
Of course if 20. ... Qxd6 then 21. Nb6 wins at once.
21. Nc7 b5?
21. .. Nd8 is an attempt at defence but Black is hopelessly behind now.
22. Qb3+
Black resigned. 22. .. Kg7 23. Ne6+ wins the queen.
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