Thursday 16 November 2017
White: K. Nevols (157) - Black: T. Jefferies (116)
I had made a great start in the club championship with four wins but knew this would be a difficult challenge as my opponent is famously tough to beat.
1. e4 e6
2. Qe2
Presently my favourite anti-French move.
2. .... b6
Black decides to set up a Queens Indian style defence.
3. Nc3 Bb7
4. d3
Whereas I decide to establish a closed Sicilian attack type set-up but without the Black pawn on c5.
4. .... Nc6
5. f4 Be7
6. Nf3 Nh6!?
An unusual placement of the knight, presumably to keep the future options of f5 and Bh4+.
7. g3 a6
8. Bg2 Bc5
The main difference with the closed Sicilian is that there is no pawn on c5 to stop the bishop taking the square instead. This move stops me castling so I decide to change the bishops.
9. Be3 Bxe3
10. Qxe3 Ng4
11. Qe2 Nf6
12. O-O O-O
Black has adjusted his defence and both sides are now developed.
I now think it is time to grab some space in the centre.
13. e5 Ne8?!
After 13... Nd5 I had intended 14. Ne4 f5 15. Nf2 preparing g4. This could be a bad square for the knight where it blocks the rook and may find itself restricted by the e5 pawn.
14. Ng5
My intention here was just to provoke the h-pawn and then return to base.
14. ..... h6
15. Nf3 Ne7
16. Ne4
Black would now be advised to strike out with d5 and then c5 to grab some space. If 16. .. d5 I would have probably played 17. Nf2 and see if I could make anything out of an offensive based around g4.
16. .... Nf5?
At this point I saw a nice sequence which would loosen the defences around Black's king. I examined the possibilities carefully and decided play it.
17. g4 Nh4
I had expected this. Going back with 17. .. Ne7 would be rather pointless although perhaps slightly better.
18. Nxh4 Qxh4
The computer recommends 19. f5 and then Qe1 to swap off the queens and concentrate on the initiative via the e- and f-files, but I could not resist this small trick.
19. Nf6+ gxf6
Better is 19. ... Nxf6 20. Bxb7 Rab8 21. Bf3 (21. Bxa6 Nxg4) Nd5 and the position is equal - Black's queen is well placed.
Another line is 19. .. Nxf6 20. exf6 Bxg2 21. fxg7 Bxf1 22. gxf8(Q) Rxf8 23. Rxf1 f5! and the ending is anyone's guess.
20. Bxb7 Ra7
21. Bg2 fxe5
22. fxe5
This was the position I had foreseen at move 17. Black's pieces are slightly misplaced, the king is a bit open, and there are chances of using the f-file and the f6 square. I needed to bring the rooks into the action.
22. .... Qg5
23. Rf3! d6
Of course, if 23. .. Qxg4 then 24. Rg3 wins at once.
24. exd6?!
24. d4 was better - White gives up the pride of his position. After 24. .. Nxd6 the position is equal.
24. ... Qc5+?!
This helps me - as not only does Black keep his knight on the back rank - considering perhaps coming to g7 - but it clears the g1 square in case I choose to put a rook there.
25. Kh1 Qxd6
26. Raf1 c5
Having been nudged to the a7 square through my earlier combination, the rook is well-placed to add to Black's defence. So I decide to zone in on Black's one weakness.
27. Qe3 e5?
Better is 27. .. Qd4! 28. Qxh6 Qxb2 29. Rh3 Qg7 although it is quite understandable that Black would want to defend the h6 pawn. However I was quite pleased to see this move as it gives me the use of the f5 square.
If now 28. Rh3, it is not possible to defend the h6 pawn. 28. .. Kg7 29. g5! Rh8 30. gxh6 Rxh6 31. Rxh6 Qxh6 32. Qxe5+ Kf8 (32. .. Nf6 33. Rg1) 33. Qb8 Re7 34. Be4.
But I decide to go for an immediate win.
28. g5
If now 28. .. hxg5 then 29. Qxg5+ Qg6 30. Qxg6+ fxg6 31. Rxf8+
or 28. .. Ng7 29. Rf6 with Be4/d5 and Rg1 will win.
Black could try 28. .. Qd4 with 29. gxh6 Qxe3 30. Rxe3 Re7 31. Bd5 keeping the pressure on.
Or 28. .. Re7! - not easy to spot but planning to come to e6. 29. Rf6! Re6 30. Rxh6 or 29. gxh6 Kh8! and Black might just about hold.
28. ..... h5
29. Rf5 Re7
30. g6!
The winning move. I can break through on the f-file or come over onto the h-file. If .. 30.. Qxg6 then 31. Rg5.
30. ... Ng7
31. Qh6!
Black has to give up a rook to avoid mate.
31. ..... Qxg6
32. Qxg6 fxg6
33. Rxf8+ Kh7
34. R8f6 Nf5
35. Be4 Kg7
36. Rxb6 Nd4
37. Rg6+
And here Black resigned.
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