Monday 19 March 2018
White: C. Marshall (151) - Black: K. Nevols (157)
1. e4 d5
2. exd5 Qxd5
3. Nc3 Qa5
4. Bc4 Nf6
5. d3
d3 is solid enough but I think d4 is more aggressive.
5. ......c6
6. Bd2 Qc7
The third queen move in six - not what they teach us, and probably 6. .. Bg4 is better, but I did not want to take any chances with the discovered attack.
7. Nge2 Bf5
8. Ng3
I did wonder if White was planning 8. Bf4 and I debated the merits of meeting this with 8. .. e5 - this system usually has the pawn on e6. As White has opted not for the Nf3-g5 option, then the f7 pawn might not need to be so defended.
8. ..... Bg6
The bishop is not well placed here but then the White knight on g3 is not too pretty either.
9. O-O e6
I am still quite behind in development and White could try to take an advantage here with 10. h4 h5 11. Qf3. I might answer with 11. ... Bd6 or 11. Nbd7 with an eye on Ne5.
10. Nge4 Nbd7
11. a4 Be7
One move away from development and I can then see what White's plan will be.
12. Qe1
I have to confess that I did not understand this move, unless White is thinking of sacrificing a bishop on e6.
12. ..... O-O
13. f4 Nd5!
I'm always pleased to grab this square for a piece in this opening.
14. Kh1 N7f6
The computer prefers 14. ... a5 with Bb4 to follow. Now it rates the game as completely equal.
15. Bxd5?!
Dubious - White gives up the bishop pair and now I have the centre.
15. ..... cxd5
16. Nxf6+ Bxf6
17. Rac1
To defend the c-pawn. White has to do some organising. He has exchanged off two good pieces - admittedly for my two knights - and I have some space.
17. .... Qc6!
A great square for the queen and I have an idea for an initiative.
18. b3 Rfc8
19. Nd1 h5!
And this is it. If I could march that pawn down to h3, I could weaken the squares around his king - which would be useful with my queen on the long diagonal.
20. Qe2 h4
21. Qf3
Puts an end to that plan. 21. h3 is an alternative but White does not want to weaken that corner.
21. .....b5
Switching wings to make space on the queenside.
22. axb5 Qxb5
23. Ne3
The knight reaches a very good defensive square.
23. ......Bb2
24. Rb1 Bd4
Just to be annoying. I was not sure how to proceed from here and thought White might play 25. c4, which is perhaps best met by 25. .. Qd7, or 25. f5 when Black could play 25. .. Bxe3 (a risky White might go for a piece sacrifice with 26. fxg6?! Bxd2 27. Qxf7+).
25. Rbc1 Qd7
Another good square for the queen which puts an end to any f5 ideas - but 25. .. a5 would be more in getting on with things. I felt the position seemed more equal now, and that we would be a few exchanges away from a draw.
26. c3?
Weakens White pawns - 26. f5 would have been better.
26. .... Bxe3
27. Qxe3 Bf5
27. .. Qb5 would have won a pawn, but I still had the idea of playing my pawn to h3.
28. Ra1
At this point, White offered a draw. But I saw the move I had missed one move earlier, and, with the opportunity of gaining some time, decided to play on to see what happens.
28. ..... Qb5!
29. Rxa7 Rxa7
30. Qxa7 Qxd3
31. Qf2 h3!
Now I was confident that I was winning. I needed to get my rook into the action. White should play 32. gxh3.
32. g3? d4?!
32. .... Ra8 will win very quickly with Ra2 coming up and Bg4 or Be4.
33. cxd4?
33. Kg1 dxc3 34. Rc1 but Black is still winning.
33. .... Rc2
I was sure it was game over. I looked at 34. Rd1 Bg4, 34. Qf3 Be4 or Qxd2, but White played a move I did not expect.
34. Qe3 Qxd2?
Yes, in my haste to grab the piece, I completely overlooked 34. .. Qxf1+ which mates next move. I was quite unhappy to discover this after the game. Fortunately it does not lose the win although spoiling the finish.
35. Qxd2 Rxd2
I expected 36. Rd1 to stop 36... Be4 although 36. .. Be4 wins anyway (37. Rxe4 Rd1+) so it would be 37. Kg1 Rg2+ with mate to follow.
36. Kg1 Rg2+
White resigned. Despite the ending, I was quite pleased with this game. I was never in any danger myself and found a good way to get some initiative.
Medway v Swale
Chris Marshall (151) 0-1 Keith Nevols (157)
Paul Foster (136) 1-0 Vytautas Gedminas (130)
Constantine Tucker (117) 1-0 Rob Woolacott (130)
Roger House (110) 0-1 Tyrone Jefferies (116)
David Langford (103) 1/2-1/2 Aurimas Liuberskis (110)
Barry Hampton (91) 1/2-1/2 Duncan Marsh (100)
Medway 3-3 Swale
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