Wednesday 1 February 2017
White: B Beavis (148) - Black: K. Nevols (134)
My second match in Rochester colours and my third match against Mr Beavis with whom my record is one draw and one loss (Games 18 and 39).
1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 g6
3. Nc3 Bg7
By this stage I have been considering other defences to d4. Considering how my opponent destroyed this defence in our first meeting (Game 18) it might have been a good idea.
4. e4 d6
5. Bg5 h6
In our previous game, I had played 5. .. O-O which White answered with the Four Pawns Attack and 6. f4. This time I remembered a move which IM Andrew Martin had recommended.
6. Bh4 c6
The point is that Black plans to play his queen to a5 or b6 and exploit the fact that White's queen's bishop cannot retreat along the h6-c1 diagonal
7. f4
White insists on his four pawn centre. Now Black could play 7. .. Nh5. I have grown nervous of these knight to the rim moves, which seem to always get me in trouble, but here the knight hits the f4 pawn. Then if 8. Qd2 Black has .. Nxf4 9. Qxf4 g5 10. Bxg5 hxg5 and either 11. Qxg5 Bxd4 12. Nf3 Bf6 or 11. Qd2 Qa5 with a slight advantage.
7. .... Qa5
8. Qd2 Na6?!
Black adopts a plan but this is too slow. Taking the initiative with 8. .. c5 is an improvement.

9. Bd3!
I did not like this at first and thought it was a good chance to marginalise the piece, but actually White is relocating his bishop to a stronger diagonal.
9. ... Nb4
10. Bb1
The computer now recommends 10. .. Nh5 and if 11. a3 then g5!? The line it gives is 12. fxg5 hxg5 13. Bf2 (13. Qxg5 Qxg5 14. Bxg5 Ng3) c5 and gives the position as level.
10. ...Qh5
But with Black's king still in the centre, I want to attack.
11. Nf3 Bg4
12. O-O!
I had originally thought White could not play this as it loses a piece - but of course this is not the case. If now 12. .. Bxf3 then simply 13. Bxf6 Bxf6 14. Rxf3 and everything is covered.
Now I had a long think as to how to continue the attack. Probably castling would have been wise but I decide to relocate the knight and prepare c5.
12. ... Na6
13. Bg3 c5
14. d5

Once again Black is restricted in space, and this becomes a repeat of our first game.
14. ... Bxf3
15. Rxf3 Ng4?
Castling or 15. .. Nd7 would have been better and entering grovelling mode. White now takes over the initiative.
16. Nb5 g5
Played because my queen has run out of squares. Castling might have been better.
17. h3 Nf6
18. e5!
Perfectly timed. And the bishop on b1 which I hoped would be out of the game is now alive.
18. .... dxe5
19. fxe5 Nd7
20. Qe2

The game is lost now, White's attack is too powerful. The computer gives one line here - 20. .. O-O 21. Qe4 f5
22. exf6 e.p. Nxf6 23. Qxe7 Rf7 24. Qe1 Nd7 25. Rxf7 Qxf7 26. Nd6 - White is a pawn up with two powerful bishops and an open centre.
20. ... g4??
But there is always time for one more blunder.
21. Rf5 Qg6
22. e6 Nf6
23. Re5 Ne4
24. Bxe4 Resigns
A horrible game - and I now made the decision to finally give up the King's Indian Defence and go scouting for an alternative to face d4.
Maidstone v Rochester
Cliff Chandler (203) 1-0 Keith Hyde (167)
David Munford (173) 1/2-1/2 Trefor Owens (167)
George Hollands (166) 1/2-1/2 Chris Marshall (143)
Barrington Beavis (148) 1-0 Keith Nevols (134)
Douglas Smith (132) 1/2-1/2 Jerry Pol (124)
Peter Dirmauskas (105) 1-0 Tyrone Jefferies (116)
Maidstone 4.5-1.5 Rochester
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